Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Upcoming Vacation!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wedding Weekend #2
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Our Sweet Dogs
Next, we have Quimby. 5 year old Chihuahua mix who we think is mixed with a Jack Russell Terrier. He is thinks he is a baby and is afraid of just about everything. He doesn't play with toys or the other 2 dogs. He is perfectly content to sit and have you rub his belly all day long.

Lately, their newest thing has been escaping out of the backyard when we lock them out. And by they, I mean Mika. Sadie sometimes helps out, by digging the holes under the fences with her shovel paws. But Mika has jumped on top of tables and through the slots in the fence on her own multiple times also. She is obviously bitter that she has to be locked outside and is trying to tell us that we need to stop doing that to her. Quimby has gotten out with Mika a couple of times but not many. He is too afraid to leave and run the neighborhood without one of us.
We're kinda torn on what to do because we can't leave Sadie inside while we sleep or while we're gone because she chews everything up. (So far we've lost one, almost 2 of our couch cushions, a pair of Dan's glasses, a photo album from our honeymoon, a nerf football, 2 Wii nunchucks and 1 Wii classic controller, 1 Wii controller skin, many bags of garbage, etc.) But I feel bad locking her outside and letting the other 2 dogs have free reign of the air conditioned house. But it isn't good for Mika and Quimby to be outside very long anyway since they're so small. Luckily it's been rainy so it hasn't been too hot.
What do you think we should do? I mean look at these angels. They could never do anything wrong...right?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our Mesa Temple
Snowflake, Arizona

Las Vegas, Nevada
San Diego, California
Newport Beach, California
Los Angeles, California
Redlands, California
St. George, Utah
Provo, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Bountiful, Utah
Albuquerque, New Mexico
St. Louis, Missouri
Nauvoo, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Jordan River, Utah
Logan, Utah
Ogden, Utah
Mt. Timpanogos, Utah