Thursday, July 29, 2010

Revenge of the Mosquitoes

Last summer, while we were still living in Tucson, we suddenly had an infestation of mosquitoes in our neighborhood.

We could only let the dogs out for just as long as it took them to go to the bathroom and come back inside because they were getting eaten alive. My poor Shadow's entire snout from eyes to nose was literally covered in bumps/bites. I would have to stand at the door with a towel to swat off as many as I could as they came inside to control the number of mosquitoes in the house.

We went to Home Depot and bought a bug zapper...and had it on in our living room overnight!

It was miserable. One night I recall turning off all the lights in the house, taking the dogs, going into our room and closing the door all night because it was the only place in the house that didn't have mosquitoes buzzing in our ears. We couldn't even be comfortable living in our own home.

It was about mid-late July that these mosquitoes quickly wore out their welcome...

Eventually after about a week or so they were gone. All of them.

I didn't know if there was something in our neighborhood that had standing water, i.e. an empty house with an unkept pool, the wash behind our house, etc. All I knew was that I was so thankful they were gone. I then began the quest around the house wiping up all the dead mosquitoes off the walls.

Well, last night we took what hopefully will be our last trip to Tucson related to our move. We had a handful of random things that needed to be donated/thrown away in the garage, and we hadn't quite cleaned up all of the dog poop from the backyard. So, when Dan got home from work, we changed clothes and drove down. We started in the backyard with the dog poop with hopes of getting it all finished before the sun was completely set, or it started or the other. We stepped out back, ready to go, when I felt a pinch on the side of my head...I scratched and was horrified at what I saw...

A dead mosquito...

I was suddenly taken back to all the miserable days and nights we had with last summer's mosquitoes. I knew we needed to make it quick before we caught multiple strains of West Nile... Here's how it turned out...

Though it may not seem like it, Dan actually got it much worse than me.

How glad we are to not have to deal with those mosquitoes anymore. I'll take our 2" long field crickets over them any day.

Good riddance mosquitoes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Ultrasound

Yesterday we went to have our first ultrasound done.

We were expecting to see our little peanut and hear it's heartbeat.
We got in, and first the tech said that because the baby is so small, my uterus was still moving away from the camera. She said to get some better pictures, she'd like to do a vaginal ultrasound.

No biggie.

We did see my uterus...and the small black circle which will turn into the amniotic sac...but that was it. She asked about my periods and whatnot, and then she said that it just looked like I was earlier than they originally thought. She said it looked fine, that everything was developing, but it was just too early still to see the baby. She said from what it looked like on the ultrasound, I was probably more like 5 1/2 - 6 weeks instead of 7 almost 8 weeks which is what they told me last week when I was in.

We then went to talk to the PA who had the results from my blood work. She said everything came back normal. No anemia, no foreign antibodies to attack the baby, no HIV...

In case anyone suspected I might have HIV?

She agreed that I was just a little earlier than they originally thought. She said it's not uncommon that women ovulate later than usual and it was no big deal. I told her it wouldn't surprise me with how thrown off and irregular my periods have been for the past year and a half. She told me to come back in 2 weeks and we will do another ultrasound, and by then we should definitely be able to see the baby and hear the heart beat. Then at the next ultrasound, when we see the baby, they should be able to give me a more accurate due date and gestational age.

So, it wasn't what we were expecting, and I was disappointed, but everything is still ok according to them. I will just look forward to August 4th when I will for sure get to see the little one growing inside of me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Big News!!!

That's right...

The much anticipated announcement that so many have been wondering about for months...

We are so happy and excited words can't really describe our feelings now! I took the test Saturday morning after discussing my increased eating habits, weird feelings in my abdomen, not to mention my being almost 2 weeks late.

I didn't think much about being late because after going off the pill last March (2009), I had only had 3 periods in almost a year. So, when I didn't get one in June, I didn't give it too much thought...until I started having some of these other symptoms.

The timing could not have been better. Honestly, I have been off the pill for almost a year and a half, and since that was our only form of birth control, I technically could have gotten pregnant anytime over the past year. I have no doubt that this came when it was supposed to. It was too coincidental that I went off the pill in March 2009, and then was so annoyingly irregular for a year that it would have been just about impossible for me to get pregnant anyway. Then, all on it's own, my body just went back to being regular this April. Normal April period, normal May period...then no June. I know that Heavenly Father was waiting to send this little baby to us at the right time so that we could put all our effort and attention on him/her and not be so distracted and bogged down with school, moving, etc. I am now completely done with school, we are totally moved out of Tucson, I had an interview for a job as an RDH on Friday, Dan just started a new job that pays more and is much closer to home yesterday...the timing really couldn't have been any better.

I have been waiting to go to the Dr. to make an official announcement to the world, and today was the day. I went and had my first OB visit/exam and it was confirmed. Without having done an ultrasound and just going on dates and what my body feels like to the Dr., I am 6 weeks along due on March 3, 2011 I have to go get blood work done sometime this week, and we go back for an ultrasound/sonogram next Tuesday!!

I cannot describe the feelings I have running through me at this point. There is so much of everything; excitement, happiness, joy, gratitude, humility, nervousness, love...just to name a few. I feel so incredibly blessed and honored to be able to nurture, love and raise one of Heavenly Father's precious children. In some ways I feel so inadequate to be a mother, but at the same time I know and have committed to do everything in my power to raise this baby the best way I know how. I know that if I can do that, He will make up for my shortcomings.

I am excited for this journey in our lives. I know that we will grow immensely from it and find such great joy in starting our family!

Watch for more updates next week after the ultrasound & sonogram! As for now, I'm off to sleep/eat. :)

Friday, July 2, 2010


It is tradition for a Dental Hygiene class to have a pinning ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments as a class with their program faculty.

We scheduled ours for about 2 weeks after our graduation with the school. It was held June 1, 2010 at the Westin La Paloma Resort. It was quite the celebration, with everything from discounted hotel rooms to $55 tickets for our guests. My class paid for all of us and 1 guest for each of us. Everyone else had to buy their own tickets.

My grandma was in town from Chicago, and was very excited to attend. I also had my mom and brother Alan come along with my sweet husband, of course. I bought a new dress and shoes for the occasion and had a very enjoyable time with my classmates and family.

It was a little bit unfortunate because by the time June 1st rolled around, I had been done with school, boards, everything for almost a month and was pretty much moved on with my life. It was nice to spend the evening with my classmates and our families, but at the same time I had thoughts of finding a house, moving, getting my license, finding a new job, my husband finding a new job, etc. running through my head all night. I tried to just let all those things go for a few hours and just enjoy the evening.

I was recognized for being the Hospitality committee chair. We watched an adorable slide show of our two years in school together. Listened to a few speeches from some of our faculty and colleagues. Ate a dinner that was very good (I'm not sure if it was $55 good, but it was good). Enjoyed the ice cream bar, as well as some dancing and catching up.

We all left around 10 pm since everyone except Dan and I would be driving back to Mesa/Chandler that night. Alan and my grandma left together, and my mom left shortly after them, probably around 10:15 or so.

Dan and I returned home, put our PJs on, and were sitting in bed on our computers (facebook, etc.) when I got a chilling phone call.

It was my mom.

Mom: "Jill? It's Mom. I got in an accident and I'm sitting in a ditch on the side of the freeway. I didn't know who else to call since everyone at home is probably asleep."

Jill: "Ok mom, it's alright. Are you ok? We're putting our shoes on right now. Where are you?"

Mom: "Yeah, I guess I'm ok. My right side hurts, but I'm not bleeding or anything. I don't really know where I am, I'm sitting in my Jeep and all I know is that I'm looking at the Toltec bridge from where I am. I called 911 like 15 minutes ago, and no one is here yet."

Jill: "Ok, we're leaving right now. We'll get there as fast as we can."

First of all, for those of you who may not be quite as familiar with the stretch of I-10 between Phoenix and Tucson as we are, Toltec is in Eloy, AZ which is about 5-10 miles south of Casa Grande. She was about half way home. This also meant that it would take us about 45 minutes to get to her.

We got in the car and drove as fast as we could without being pulled over. I called my step-dad's cell phone in the process. My mom hadn't called him in fear she would wake up my 9 year old sister with Down Syndrome who only sleeps about 4 hours per night.

He asked me what happened and I explained to him what my mom had told me.

She was driving in the right lane of I-10, after just stopping the exit previous to get gas and a Coke. Then, out of no where, there was a huge noise, almost like an explosion, and something slammed into the back of her Jeep Grand Cherokee. Due to her speed (75 mph) and the speed of the car that hit her (at least 75 mph) the impact sent her into a violent spin in the middle of the interstate. Luckily there were no other vehicles around at that point, because she said that she spun completely around at least twice and remembers seeing the headlights of the oncoming traffic behind her. Upon seeing that in the first spin, she closed her eyes, kept her foot slammed on the brake as hard as she could, and held onto the steering wheel for dear life. The next thing she knew, she was sitting in her Jeep in a cloud of dust along the side of the interstate. The vehicle that hit her...on the other side, in the median of the interstate.

The car behind her, which was a small Chevy Malibu or something similar, had a tire blow suddenly, which projected her car into the back of my mom's Jeep and sent them both spinning like tops on the freeway.

No one is really sure how it is that my mom's Jeep did not roll. If no where else, it should have when it went off the road and down into the ditch on the side of the road. It was a pretty steep drop from the interstate down into the ditch, and if she was still spinning like she was, which all the marks in the dirt and on the asphalt say she was, there should have been nothing stopping her Jeep from toppling over and rolling into the ditch.

She definitely had Angels watching over her that night...

My mom's Jeep was towed into Casa Grande and left at the repair shop there until her insurance had it towed back to Mesa. The other girls car...just had the blown tire changed, and she drove away...

We took my mom, who was very shaken up and still in a state of shock into Casa Grande and waited at iHop for my step dad to come pick her up. She just kept saying "I'm so thankful I'm alive".

We got to my mom around 11:45 pm, left for iHop around 12:30, and my step dad got there to pick her up around 1 am. Putting us all back home around 2 am.

Now, after a month and $3700+ worth of damage (luckily the girl had insurance), my mom has her Jeep back. She is ok, and is pretty much fully recovered.

It was a very scary and eventful end to the evening. We were just so grateful everyone was ok.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mountain View High School Class of 2010

I totally forgot to mention this in my list of events from the past couple of months!

My brother Alan graduated from High School a week after I graduated hygiene school.

I was able to go sit with my family as we beamed with pride for Alan that Thursday. It has been a tough couple of years with Alan and his group of friends and him thinking he can do/doing whatever he wants no matter what anyone else says. Many phone calls home about him not being in class, etc. But he finally made it.

There was no gold tassle that he always swore he would wear simply because I didn't; and it was his quest to be better than me. But he did walk and receive a scholastic diploma from Mountain View High School.

We were all so proud of Alan that night and frankly still are today. He is preparing for his big move to Tucson and into our old house in the next few weeks. He will begin his Freshman year at the University of Arizona in August.

It has been a joy for me to attempt to help Alan along throughout much of his life, not just high school. Many times when he was younger, he would tell our family "Jill's the only one who understands me". I am honored to hold that place in his life. Often times the only one he will talk to about his girlfriend problems. Many times he will tell me things that he would never tell anyone else. I am so grateful for that love and that trust that he has in me as his big sister. Although he can be one of the biggest jerks on earth sometimes, he is my only full brother and I am grateful for the relationship we share.

Many times throughout his high school career he consulted with me about what classes to take, what activities to become involved in, etc. I was always happy to help guide him through and give him my opinion based on my experiences.

And now, as he moves away from home and ventures off to college, it has been the same. I attended his 2 day orientation with him as his "parent" at the beginning of June. I assisted him in registering for classes and jumping through all of the hoops necessary prior to starting college. I guided him and showed him around campus and the student union; pointing out the many important landmarks he would need to remember. In the next few weeks, I will be traveling with my mom back to Tucson to help Alan set up the house, hang his pictures on the wall, buy groceries, find the bank, etc. As trivial as most of these things sound, I am so very grateful for the opportunity to share them with my little brother.

Until his next big accomplishment...

Go Cats!