I decided I would spend time blogging!
I really should be studying for my national boards that are coming up on May 6th, but I just can't seem to find the motivation... Maybe when I realize I have 2 years worth of material to study in 6 weeks and that the outcome of that exam decides our future... then maybe I'll find some motivation to study :/
...Still not coming...
This past weekend, Dan has gotten really interested and intrigued by this Project 365 idea. I don't know if you've heard of it, but you take 1 picture a day for an entire year of just the everyday things you do. Then at the end of the year, you can look back and really see what you're life is really like, by looking at all the trivial things you spend your time doing.
He hasn't really been totally into blogging or anything like that, so he's trying it out to see if he'll be able to do it before officially starting it up. If you'd like to see what he has so far, and maybe even leave a comment, the website is here.
My gardening has started to come to a sad close...since the other day I came home to my daisies outside, and they looked like this

I'm not sure what happened to make them get that way? They were perfectly fine, standing up straight and blooming when I left that morning...but then when I got home, they looked like that. I suppose I just need to wait to plant anything else until I can do it outside and really spend the time they need to get them growing strong.
I started another project over Spring Break, that I haven't decided if I really know what I'm doing. I have been wanting to make a quilt out of all of mine and Dan's old t-shirts. We have so many just laying around and taking up space in our drawers, and we never ever wear them. So, since I didn't feel like I just wanted to cart them off to DI, I got the idea to make a blanket out of them.
Well, I don't have a sewing machine...or the knowledge of how to sew more than a button on a pair of pants or a small hole closed...but I figured "hey, it's Spring Break, why not try to figure it out?" So I borrowed an awesome sewing machine from a sister who used to be in our ward. Dan teaches her early morning seminary class occasionally and is scheduled to teach it toward the end of April. So I figured I would try it and see how it goes/how much I can get done by then, and then he can bring it back to her at the end of April.

I brought the machine home, got it all set up, went to Joanns and bought a rotary cutter and a cutting mat, and then came home and didn't really know where or how to start. I ended up just starting to cut the shirts into 12x12 squares, using a piece of scrapbook cardstock as my stencil. I have 5 shirts cut...

and probably about 20 left to do...

I am really excited about it, and am enjoying making it, but I seem to get a little overwhelmed sometimes because I don't want to mess it up or have it not end up working when I get ready to put everything together. Have any of you ever made a tee shirt quilt before? Have any pointers? Any just basic sewing knowledge that you can share? I think the cutting of the shirts is going to be the easy part. Once I finish all the cutting and get ready to use the sewing machine to sew them all together, then I think I might freak a little. We'll see...more updates to come.
We have planned and are getting ready for our annual April Conference trip to Utah next weekend. Dan always has a mission reunion the Friday before April Conference, and they insist that he comes to play the piano for it. They say it wouldn't be the same without him. Every year he says it will probably be the last one, because most of the elders he knows have been home for 3 or more years and generally don't come to the reunions anymore. But every year we go back for one last time. I enjoy it though. Since I had never been to Utah until I married Dan almost 3 years ago, I enjoy going everytime and being able to feel of the spirit that is there. We figured it out, and realized since we've been married, we have only been home for 2 General Conferences. We have been in Utah for every other one. This year we are planning to take his 15 year old brother Kyle, and his 12 year old sister Lacey with us. It should be an adventure!
Well, I have finally run out of time, and need to go get ready for class and clinic tonight. May can't come soon enough...
The cutting of the shirts is the hardest part! I spent probably 2 weeks cutting mine out! The sewing is much easier. I also did 12X12, but I used a wooden rule, and that was much easier for me. Good luck! If you get stuck on anything, give me a holler, I'm just finishing up the backing on mine!
your daisies probably missed you! Suzanne would always say talk to your plants, :) and that sewing machine is nice! I'm always happy to help if you need any I'll be posting something soon on my sewing class. If you know anyone I'm trying to get students!
I've wanted to make a t-shirt quilt out of Joe's old band t-shirts forever, but I really have no idea how to sew. I inherited my mom's sewing machine, but I've been too lazy to learn how to use it. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
How fun! I would love to make a t-shirt quilt too... some day...
I know you need to have a backing on each of your 12x12 blocks because t-shirt material is so flimsy it will stretch out.
Oh yeah, be sure to use 1/4" seams and iron everything to the dark side of your fabrics!
Good luck! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
you can try googling on how to make t-shirt quilts. I don't know anything. So kudos to you for wanting to learn how to sew! and I love that you have band t-shirts in the mix! ;)
Dude! I had the same idea for a quilt with all my old camp shirts. It's a work in progress, and I don't know if I can get myself to cut them. So we'll see.
Miss you girl! I hope you and Dan are doing well! Love ya!
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