Friday, November 13, 2009


I am very excited that it's Friday, and even though I do have to work off and on throughout the weekend, I'm so glad to be able to have a few days off from school.
(The weather, and the fact that I slept until 11, may be helping my wonderful mood)

Work is really simple and doesn't require much from me mentally.

I'm going to take the dogs to the park today before work.

Tonight is Dan and my date night...Not sure where we'll go or what we'll do yet, but it's sure to be an enjoyable and relaxing time with my husband!

Tomorrow morning I have to work but only for an hour or 2. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow either, but I would bet it will have something to do with setting up more Christmas stuff. I know my husband way to well to assume it would be anything else. Although he did say he wanted to go to the temple tomorrow...maybe we'll do that instead of Christmas?
(We set up our 3 christmas trees on Wednesday night, the big one has lights, but the other 2 are bare, and there are no ornaments being brought out yet)

I hope to clean up the backyard tomorrow as well as give the dogs a bath, and maybe take them to the park again tomorrow (not in that order).

I also need to prepare a lesson for primary on Sunday. I haven't even looked at what it's about...

Sunday will be a wonderful Sabbath day. Dan wants me to help him with Stake Choir rehearsal at 4, and then I have to work from 6:30-11.

So while it definitely will be a weekend full of things to do, I am so happy for the weekend to be here and to be able to work around my house, spend time with my sweet husband and our dogs who are starved for attention sometimes when school and work get crazy!

Hope all of you enjoy your weekend as well!

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