This is really the craziest story, but a great one at the same time!
As I've mentioned before, we are looking for a home for our 2 chihuahuas, and at the same time we've been looking diligently for a new partner/friend for Sadie. We've been looking for a young dog/puppy who has the same amount of puppy energy as Sadie does as well as one who will be around her same size and will be able to play with her and put up a fight.
So, last Saturday on Valentine's Day, we were out and about just driving around town, and we went to the pound to see what new dogs they had gotten since the last time I'd been there. We walked in and I FELL IN LOVE! There was a sweet little black lab puppy, 3 months old, boy who had just gotten there earlier that morning. (We'd kinda been biasedly searching for a boy because everyone we've talked to has said it's good to have one of each.) So he was PERFECT! We immediately asked someone about him and if we could take him out to play with him. The guy told us that the wouldn't be available for adoption until Friday (last Friday the 20th) and that I'd have to be there when they opened at 10am to be in a raffle against anyone else who was there for him. I was a little disappointed, but determined to come back on Friday to try for him.
Events proceeded throughout the week though, that had us end up in Phoenix Thursday night and Friday, which made us unable to be there to get him on Friday. I had gone back a couple of times during the week to check on him again and look around. In that time, I found a couple other dogs I had my eye on since I knew I wouldn't be able to get him Friday and I was sure he'd be gone right away Friday. There was already 3 people's name, phone numbers, life story, etc. who wanted him.
So I was over him and let him go out of my hopes. Dan and I got up this morning (Saturday) and drove over to the pound when they opened at 10 in hopes of getting another puppy who was just like him, only a girl. She was supposed to be in the same boat as him only available today, and a girl. So we walk in, and it turns out she's scheduled for surgery and not available.
We keep walking around and all of the sudden I see Dan in the middle of a bunch of people all huddled around one kennel. I knew there must be puppies in there since that's always where people flock first. Dan was holding all the papers of info on all the dogs in that kennel. I walk past, unable to see in the kennel past all the people, and keep looking. Dan comes up to me and says "isn't this the same one from last weekend? isn't this him?"
I looked at the paper...
I ran back to the kennel, and by now the people were all gone, and there he was; sitting in the kennel all wet from them hosing out the kennel and with 3 other dogs. I kept the paper on him so no one else could get him, and went to find a worker to let me play with him. So we took him out and played with him, and that was it. We loved him and knew he would be perfect, and exactly what we were looking for.
He ended up having surgery on Friday and therefore went up for adoption THIS MORNING right when we got there! I don't know what happened to all the people who said they were interested in him, but no one else was there for him this morning. We didn't have to fight or anything. I can't help but think that he was meant to be our puppy!
We walked out with him about 30 minutes later.
He has a runny nose and has to take some medicine for the next week while his stitches are also healing, but he doesn't act sick. He's still playful as ever, and for the record has very sharp teeth. ( I already have a band-aid on one finger)
So, yes for the moment we do have 4 dogs at our house, but they're getting along fine. Mika & Quimby won't be here for much longer, so then we'll be back to just 2 and normal again.
Look at him! Is he not the cutest thing you've EVER SEEN?!