We've been spending a good majority of our spare time getting things set up and ready for the arrival of our little boy.
The nursery was one of our two biggest tasks. It's finally done being painted, having moulding installed, the crib is set up and in place, the walls are decorated except for one thing and it looks pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.

You may notice that there is no dresser in the room, which leads to our second biggest task. We bought a dresser from our friends Jon & Sharianna with the plan of refinishing it to match the color of the crib. It has been quite an undertaking, but a very fun project for me nonetheless. It pretty much became my project since I do all the work on it during the day when Dan is at work. As of now, the dresser is almost done being stained (we're trying to decide how dark we want to make it, i.e. how many more coats we want to apply) and will just need to have new handles put on the drawers. Stay tuned for before, during and after pictures of the dresser in the next few days!
Meanwhile, we've set up the swing, which you can see in the nursery pictures (it'll come out of there when the dresser gets moved in).
The bouncer, which is the same colors and design as the swing.
The bassinet, which is set up in our room and ready for our little one's first few weeks home.

The stroller and carseat are both out of the box and ready, we just haven't installed the carseat in the car yet (that's on the list for this week).
We're getting so excited and even more so now that we know from the Dr. last Friday that his head is down and ready, I'm dilated to 3 cm already (I'm just 36 weeks), and my cervix is pretty thin (effaced). I have known multiple people who have been dilated to 3 cm for 2 or 3 weeks before anything happens, and I also know that it's just all about this little boy and when he decides he wants to get outta there. Dan and I both feel like he's not going to wait until the 19th of March to come though. Not to mention that he's been consistently 1 week ahead of normal at every ultrasound we've had and each time they measure him. If I have had contractions, I haven't know about it. I have various cramps and pains from time to time but nothing so over the top that I've been like "oh yeah, that's a contraction". The Dr. said that not everyone feels them though, so maybe I'll be one of those lucky people? I won't hold my breath though :).
It's just getting so real now, and I'm starting to feel the pressure of getting everything done before he gets here. We seriously need to finish this dresser because as of now I don't have a place to put his clean blankets, towels, sheets, etc. For this reason, everything is still in bags with the tags on them. Nothing has been washed yet. I did boil a few pacifiers and a couple small bottles on Friday so at least those will be ready when he decides to make his debut.
It won't be long before we're blessed with a sweet baby boy in our home. We're getting so excited and anxious to meet him! Keep an eye out for an update on the finished dresser, which will hopefully come before the update on the birth of our son!
1 comment:
I didn't feel contractions with Ben either until at the hospital. They get WAY worse after your water breaks. It basically felt like cramps to me. I'm so scared that I'm going to have this baby in the car because it's a 30 min drive to the hospital and I don't know when it's time to leave! Lol good luck!
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