I had a thought last week that I want to move to Minneapolis, MN...
Not necessarily because I want to live there specifically, but because I want to actually experience the 4 seasons! I brought out my fall decor last week and was somewhat disheartened because it is still 100 degrees outside and I'm setting up my fall decorations. I want so much for it to be in the 60s and 70s, cooling off. I want to see the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. I want to wear long-sleeved shirts and jeans with maybe even a light jacket. It doesn't feel like autumn outside at all, and for whatever reason it is really bothering me this year.

It's been the same around Thanksgiving & Christmas time the last year or two, and I'm sure it will be this year as well. I want to wear cute sweaters and jeans with cute winter boots. I want to learn how to actually wear a scarf the correct way. I want to wake up in November and December to 40 degree weather and maybe even some snow!

Dan wasn't sold on the idea of moving to Minneapolis. He doesn't want to be that far from family and everything we've known for our entire lives. He's also not as into it because he lived in Philadelphia for 2 years, and got to experience the change in seasons. For me however, Arizona is the only place I've ever lived. Not that I don't like it here, I think AZ is beautiful and I am almost immune to the 110 degree weather 8 months out of the year. I'm just ready for a change...
We won't be able to move anywhere for another few years at least. Dan still has to finish his Journalism degree at ASU, hopefully by 2011. But I don't think I'm going to be able to just let it go. So, I wonder...
Where else could we move that would satisfy both of our wants? (i.e. somewhat close to AZ, but still has 4 distinct seasons?)
Not necessarily because I want to live there specifically, but because I want to actually experience the 4 seasons! I brought out my fall decor last week and was somewhat disheartened because it is still 100 degrees outside and I'm setting up my fall decorations. I want so much for it to be in the 60s and 70s, cooling off. I want to see the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. I want to wear long-sleeved shirts and jeans with maybe even a light jacket. It doesn't feel like autumn outside at all, and for whatever reason it is really bothering me this year.

It's been the same around Thanksgiving & Christmas time the last year or two, and I'm sure it will be this year as well. I want to wear cute sweaters and jeans with cute winter boots. I want to learn how to actually wear a scarf the correct way. I want to wake up in November and December to 40 degree weather and maybe even some snow!

Dan wasn't sold on the idea of moving to Minneapolis. He doesn't want to be that far from family and everything we've known for our entire lives. He's also not as into it because he lived in Philadelphia for 2 years, and got to experience the change in seasons. For me however, Arizona is the only place I've ever lived. Not that I don't like it here, I think AZ is beautiful and I am almost immune to the 110 degree weather 8 months out of the year. I'm just ready for a change...
We won't be able to move anywhere for another few years at least. Dan still has to finish his Journalism degree at ASU, hopefully by 2011. But I don't think I'm going to be able to just let it go. So, I wonder...
Where else could we move that would satisfy both of our wants? (i.e. somewhat close to AZ, but still has 4 distinct seasons?)
Hi Jill! Well, having grown up in MN until I was 15 I will say that-yes, the 4 seasons are great (and I miss that part of it) but one season tends to stick around the longest and that is winter. Yes, it can be 40 degrees but it is usually colder than that and can get to -30 degrees at times (brrr!)So I think it will be okay that he doesn't want to live there. Trust me, the winters are too cold. I'm getting the chills just thinking about it.
If Dan wants to stay really close there are always places like Pine...but that is pretty rural. Or there is Flagstaff. There's always Utah, if Dan allows that distance. I think moving somewhere new (outside the valley and Tucson) would be fun! (that's why we are in TX for the time being). It's like an adventure! Hopefully Dan will bend a bit for ya when the time comes! ( sorry, long comment :)
Sometimes Southwest has cheap direct flights between Manchester, NH and Phoenix. Autumn is beautiful. This is my very first time experiencing it (I've only lived in AZ before) and I love it!
Thanks Amanda! I've thought about Utah. I don't know that he's set on living in AZ per se, he just doesn't want to be across the country. I'm so glad you know what I mean! That adventure is exactly what I think it will be and what I'm ready for. I want a change, something new and adventurous! Thanks for the info. we'll see what happens when the time comes...
colorado!! or oregon!
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